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楼主: noname
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发表于 2011-1-28 18:58:53 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


(本网特稿)医生的诊断是杨秀平最多还有几个月的时间了。如今杨秀平最大的心愿就是见自己唯一的儿子,谭港已经向国会议员求助,目前正在朋友的帮助下申请儿子来多伦多探亲,只盼能让老婆见儿子最后一面。 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2011-1-28
发表于 2011-1-29 20:18:03 | 显示全部楼层

下面是 runyingw 的英文意见,我用软件翻译给大家看看,有翻译不正确的地方,基本意思大家应该看懂的。

There are lot of people that benefit from the Canada's welfare system. not only him. But this family is indeed to need the help now. We should not blame him for what ever reason that he can become a refugee. we should blame the Canadian refugee system.
If we can not help this family, I wish everyone should stop talking something to make them feel worse. We all Chinese and we all should know as a new immigration in Canada, how hard the living that we have encountered.
Bless them and wish them to get the help that they needed.

Yes. We should blame the system. Especailly the welfare system.
According to my experenice, most people who collect welfare are Local Canadian who have criminal record and go to jail in and out all the time, who take drugs and like to make other trouble too, who are too lazy to go to work and like to cheat money for a living.............. They are 100 times worse and I can tell you hundred and thousand true stories i went thorugh and I was in last 12 years. They are LOCAL people who were born here and grown up here but they cellect welfare in all their life. They sit at home , play club music, fight with people, steal from people, call police all the time, find excuse and sue people all the time, take drugs with your money, TAX-PAYER 'S MONEY. govenment system stand ththeir side and protect them . They have A LOT OF rights because they have a lot of free time to enjoy their their rights, they were born here and they kn ow their system so they take advantage from the the system.
Compared with those welfare peoole , most refugee people are much better  because most of refugee are from outside Canada and they don't know too much about this system and they hardly take advantage from this system. They might collect some money from government but they hardly make trouble for others. Some of them still go to work bacause they have hardworking backgound from other country. They don't even know English and they don't try to ceate trouble . They do eveyntihng for simple living only. We are all taxpayer  and we all want government money properly tosupport people who really need help for food . I don't think anybody here wants govenment to use your tax money to buy other poeple  drugs , car, pets, huge  free lagel fee for their own trouble.................


Everybody knows lawyers and doctors are richest in Canada because medical fee or  legal fee is very very high.
If people get sick and they really need taxpayers money to pay medicall fee, we should totally understand no matter how they arrived here and for what reasons. God bless us.
The realty I have kept seeing in last 12 years is a lot of local welfare people who were born here and grown up here with very goog English but they don't go to work and they create trouble and sue people with huge free legal aids, call 911 or police for something minor, buy marawwjna, pay high insurance for cars, buy cigarete, buy pets, ................
Who is one ending  up paying this?? ? you, me and all the taxpayers, most of working classes.
According to my experience , i hardly see Chinese or other Asian to collect welfare , even some do , they don't waste. we are all hardworking people. we all are here for living not for trouble or wasting.
  结束人支付这笔? ?吗?你,我,所有的纳税人,工人阶级的大部分。

I wish I could type Chinese here. But I am sorry I don't have the system. It is sad that Chinese treat Chinese bad or Chinese fight with Chinese.
We all went through a lot of hardship in China and here when we were new immgrant though we settled down very well here now.
The whole systemset up and protect their local Canadain though we are Canadian too now. The whole system suuport and protect hundreds and thousadns locals. We Chinese only occasionally need the system and only a few people use the system.
We are hundreds time better than those real  local welfare people who live in jail in winter , cellect welfare in summer . They keep doing this in ALL THEIR LIFE.
They look younger taller and stronger than us. WHY do they collect welfare?????
Why not government set up heavy duty factory to force them to go work ?
Waht a shame everything made in China or India while using taxpayers money to support those locals?!!!
Most of use are propfessional with good degrees and we are intelligent and hardworking but government still keep chasing us for lisense at the same time they don't accept our degree.
Where is our rights?  They have already treated us like garbage because we don't know English. We really need help because of our English but we hard look for their help until the last minute before. The woman is such a serious situation and I believe she really needs help.
If somebody is hero and good and then he or she should stand on  right side and protect the sickness people and weakness people.
Never throw stone in people who have been in well !!!!!!!!
We should united together to help our poor community.
  他们看起来更年轻得更高、更壮要比我们大得多。为什么他们收集福利? ? ? ? ?
  像可惜在中国或印度都在使用纳税人的钱来支持那些当地人吗? ! ! !
  从来不扔石头的人已经好了! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Cancer is CANCER. nobody can protend to have cancer. but I see  many many local people protend  to have mental problems and collect disable money in all their lives.
Only God knows who really need help. Not the government who sit in the office drinking a couple of coffee and reading  some newspapers and then judging something with their own will.
Police carse even show up for husbands and wives samll arguments, smoebody steals others' apple banana etc. , court even handles somebody sued others for soemthing  minor. ,  doctors even give very young very healthy poeple medical check very year.....................  Spend spend spend  , waste waste, waste ,  when govenment run out off money,   RAISE the TAX. !!!!!! $50,000 for a cancer patient , it is just completely nothing.  It is neccesary not a waste compare with those. Go to hospital  , go to court , Check the jail , go to government office, go to the shelter , go to the family doctor, you will find hundreds times more than $50,000 which is a peanuts for a cancer patient when other healthy people need to spend more tax money.
  警察carse甚至出现在丈夫和妻子小参数,smoebody偷别人的苹果香蕉等,法院甚至有人控告他人处理他守护着小。,医生也不给很年轻非常健康的人.....................体检非常一年花花花、垃圾废物,浪费,当政府将会失去的钱跑,提高税。! ! ! ! ! !5万元给癌症病人,它是完全没有。这是neccesary比较并不是在浪费。去医院,去法庭,检查监狱,去政府机关、去住所,去看家庭医生,你会发现数百倍超过5万美元,这是一个花生来获得癌症病人当其他健康的人需要花更多的税款。
Even if his son comes and stays in Canada. Nothing is wrong with that. We will have one more young hardworking Chinese here who will work and make a contribution for Canada and himself. I don't think he will sit at home collecting welfare  making trouble like some local welfare people who have been doing in all their lives.
I suggest everybody go outside checking and comparing with others and you will find out how good Chinese working class are.
I was dating local white people in last 12 years. I have been dealing with all kinds of people from all over the world including welfare peole ..............
I have been so proud I have Chinese professional backgorund though I am a Canadian.
Of course I love beautiful Canada but the whole system needs to be changed or imporved to encourage to work hard to make the country richer instaed of encouraging  people to fight with their human rights or take advantage from the system.
Action speaks louder than words. Fighting can only waste tax money to make lawyers rich . So it will end up the rich get richer , the poor get poorer.  Hardworking can make the country more beautiful and make the working class rich or at least catch up rich people.

right . i agree with you.

if we don't have money , at least we don't have to say anything to make the patient and her family upset. What kind people they bring over to Canada , it is the Canadain consulate general 's job.  According to my knowledge, a lot of Chinese came over here as refugee from FUJIAN province. They work very hard as construction worker fro a llitte wage though they don't have degree like us. They are much better than the local welfare people who sitting at home making trouble only. I don't see anything wrong. We need a lot of factory workers and other labours to bring the labour fee down so that we can produce more products here instead of keeping importing stuff from China or India.


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发表于 2011-1-29 20:37:13 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-2-2 16:01:17 | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 2011-2-2 22:53:45 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2011-2-5 20:17:57 | 显示全部楼层
moise 分析的有道理,下岗工人的确很多,生活的确不容易,可是还是有不少下岗工人自找生活出路,又从新富强起来了,一个人无论你在哪里都要去努力工作,要付出才有回报,你付出的多回报也多,坐在家里,躺在床上,等天上掉钱?是不可能的,无忧发表的有关老谭的两篇文章目的很明显,作为老谭因为申请“难民”已经达到了目的,再申请家庭团聚时因为儿子的年龄超过申请资格被拒,目前“妈妈生病要见儿子最后一面”正好是唯一理由(也许老谭不够资格担保儿子过来探亲,因为老谭享受政府救济金),一旦儿子过来再想别的方法留在加拿大,留在加拿大不是不可以,谁的父母不希望自己的孩子在身边,可是留下来以后做什么?去读书?学费呢?捐款?去打工?什么工?英语过关吗?去洗碗?80,90后的孩子都是独生子女,自理能力都很差,别说吃苦了,多数都是父母给他们铺路。身为父亲的老谭来加拿大做了些什么?因为高血压,腰痛,就不去工作,靠领政府救济金生活,可想而知他的儿子能做什么?老谭一个“难民”申请毁了自己,回不了中国,见不到养育自己的亲人,毁了老婆,接下来再毁掉孩子的前程?


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发表于 2011-2-5 20:25:30 | 显示全部楼层

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