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发表于 2015-12-6 20:52:55 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


普通人由于对事情不了解或者是只有一知半解的了解,会经常担心这个、担心那个,但如果科学家们对自己专门研究的领域感到担心,这样的担心才是真让人担心的。 加拿大广播公司记者Kelly Crowe报道说,基因工程或者叫 ... [ 查看全文 ]

§ 发表于 2015-12-6
The approval specifically states that these salmon can only be raised on land-based, contained hatchery tanks at two specific facilities in Canada and Panama and no other locations in the United States or elsewhere. The approved locations have met the criteria required to properly contain the fish and prohibit any eggs or fish from escaping. These facilities will be subject to regulation and inspection from the FDA as well as from the Canadian and Panamanian governments.

This is good news for proponents like Yonathan Zohar, chairman of the department of marine biotechnology at the University of Maryland Institute of Marine and Environmental Technology. He testified before the FDA in support of approval at a 2010 hearing, warning demand is greater than supply when it comes to consuming fish. He believes the science endorsed by the FDA on Thursday should be accepted as long as we want to continue eating fish. He said the decision is just the start, and suggested that other genetic engineering of fish in the future could help stave off disease.
      abstracted from CNN.com

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