
标题: Apple Pay in Canada Expected for Late October or Early November: Sources [打印本页]

作者: SUPERFAN    时间: 2015-10-2 11:12
标题: Apple Pay in Canada Expected for Late October or Early November: Sources
by Gary Ng on Tuesday, September 29th, 2015 - 10:55am PDT

Apple Pay could be coming to Canada this fall, according to trusted sources familiar with the matter, corroborating the potential November timeline first reported by the Wall Street Journal this spring.

Numerous payment processor companies have already started to advertise their point-of-sale terminals will be compatible with Apple Pay. Currently contactless payments under $100 are accepted but transactions over this threshold are currently being worked on, with one payment processor set to meet with Apple in early October.

Apple Pay will be soft launched at Apple retail stores and select restaurant chains once the mobile payment goes live, potentially at the end of October, say sources.

We’ve already seen Desjardins advertise support for Apple Pay with their Monetico Mobile+ payment system, while last month payment processor Moneris (the RBC/BMO joint venture) told merchants how to prepare for Apple Pay’s inevitable arrival.

The Apple Pay timeline could change, but as of now we’re told late October or early November would be the potential launch window. We will find out more info in the next couple weeks we’re told.

Apple Pay has been rumoured to launch next in China. If Apple were to announce Apple Pay for China, it would be a major announcement that would deserve time on stage, so stay tuned to see if the company holds a fall Mac event or not.

Last year, Apple sent out invites on October 8 for their special event held at the company’s Cupertino headquarters on October 16. Here, we saw new iPads, a refresh to the Mac mini, a new 5K Retina iMac—and the launch date of Apple Pay for the US (Oct. 20).

Canadians with supported US credit cards have long been using Apple Pay at retailers with supported NFC POS terminals.

Keep your eyes peeled on the first week of October, because if something is going to happen, we should see invites sent out then to give enough time for new products to emerge for the prized holiday shopping season.

作者: SUPERFAN    时间: 2015-10-2 11:15


  新华网北京7月16日电 据新华社“新华国际”客户端报道,苹果支付神器Apple Pay选择英国作为其第一个海外市场,英国的“苹果粉儿”购物可以刷指纹付款了。在传出近半年的入华“绯闻”后,Apple Pay最终还是没能进入中国。
  Apple Pay,是苹果公司在2014苹果秋季新品发布会上发布的一种基于NFC的手机支付功能,“苹果粉儿”可用苹果手机进行免接触支付,免去刷信用卡支付步骤。用户的信用卡、借记卡信息事先存储在手机中,用户将手指放在手机的指纹识别传感器上,将手机靠近读卡器,即完成支付。

  苹果公司表示,之所以选择英国作为突破口,主要原因是它的文化和市场情况与美国比较相近,在这里推行Apple Pay的阻力会相对较少些。如果Apple Pay能够在英国盛行,那么苹果就能够更容易进入其他国家和地区。
  目前,苹果已经和英国8家银行取得合作,它们涵盖了英国近70%的借记和信用卡市场。另外,Apple Pay也获得了英国近25万个商铺的支持,同时伦敦的公交系统也将支持Apple Pay。而目前苹果总部硅谷都还没实现公交系统支持Apple Pay,可见苹果对英国市场的重视。
  苹果选择英国作为Apple Pay首个要进入的海外市场,这对于此前呼声最高的中国该情何以堪?要知道,Apple Pay入华这件事已经传出了近半年时间。

最早是在去年9月,那时候Apple Pay刚发布不久,有开发者在iOS 8的代码中发现苹果预埋了Apple Pay与中国银联的相关代码,随后便有美国媒体报道苹果和银联的合作协议正在敲定中。
  去年10月底,库克与马云的一张合照又再度炒热Apple Pay入华的消息。当时阿里集团董事局执行副主席蔡崇信表示,阿里确实在和苹果就Apple Pay的合作在展开讨论。而最近一次是上个月库克访华,其中一个行程便是与银联等利益方密谈合作。不过,从目前情况看库克显然还没能谈妥Apple Pay入华一事。
  那么,Apple Pay要进入中国为什么就这么难?
  首先是苹果仍没有过了银联这关。银联即中国银行卡联合组织,它处于中国银行卡产业核心地位,掌握了中国最主要的银行资源,目前银联已经拥有相当成熟的支付体系。而Apple Pay的加入势必会与银联产生利益冲突,因为苹果会从中收取一定的费率。另外银联也在打造自己的移动支付,去年底就计划与国内手机厂商合作推出类似Android Pay的移动支付服务。
  与银联的谈判受阻并不是全部,Apple Pay要入华还需面对监管和技术问题。有央行内部人士称,Apple Pay尚未被监管机构认可,其技术标准是否符合要求还不清楚。也有消息称,相关监管机构希望苹果在内地建立数据中心,以确保数据安全问题。
  总而言之,移动支付是目前大家都在觊觎的一个风口。尤其是在中国市场,除了银联相关金融机构外,阿里、腾讯、百度等互联网巨头,华为、魅族等手机厂商都在使出浑身解数抢占用户。Apple Pay要挤进这样一个市场,其难度可想而知。也许等到苹果处理好这些难题后,就是Apple Pay入华之时。(编辑:曹筱凡 樊宇,新华国际客户端报道)

作者: SUPERFAN    时间: 2015-12-16 21:04
刚申请的american express card和apple pay account

作者: 从来没有救世主    时间: 2015-12-16 22:31

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