
标题: 提醒别上当并广而告之:MBNA 的信用卡陷阱! [打印本页]

作者: 罗伦士    时间: 2003-6-5 10:49
标题: 提醒别上当并广而告之:MBNA 的信用卡陷阱!
最近一个叫MBNA的公司发行一个叫“ I AM A CANADIAN ”的信用卡,以 1.9%  的利率引诱大家申请。同胞们注意了, 这是个陷阱,我已经上当了, 请你们别再上当。

这家公司在邮寄的促销材料上讲,申请此信用卡,初期利率仅1.9%。还有赠品。且给的信用额度很大,一般都逾万加币。乍一看,此卡很不错,对有债务的人士很有吸引力。因为市面上大公司现有信用卡的促销初期利率一般在 3.97 ~ 4.97%. 2 个百分点的差对逾万的债务,几个月的利息是数百加币的不同!!这就是这家公司的卖点。

可你万万没想到的是,在吸引人的低利率后面,这家公司设了个陷阱: 所有你从别的帐户上转来的债,它都收 1% 的交易费(Transaction Fee)。这个小动作的结果是,尽管它只收1.9%  的利息, 但实际它收的费比 3.97 ~ 4.97% 的利率收得还多。别的大公司如CIBC等在以 3.97 或 4.97% 的利率促销信用卡时是从不收1%交易费的。

可恨的是,这个叫 MBNA 的公司,在它的促销材料上只字未提收1%交易费这一点,连小字部分都未提。一般言,正派公司在设定促销条件时,多用小号字标明,但决不会也不敢不标明。因为不向顾客提供全部信息是欺骗,是违法的。但这家公司就敢这么做!Why? 因为,一:它知道个人是不会为几百元钱与它对薄公堂(诉讼费用远大于几百元钱且劳神); 二: 它使用了打擦边球手法。它把你从别的帐户所转入的债务都当这个新信用卡帐户的现金提出。因为一般从信用卡提现金是要收1%费用的,这是合理合法的。但MBNA的陷阱是,它没有在它的促销材料上让人们知道这一点。因为人们若知道这一点,人们就不会申请这个信用卡了。这家公司是深知这一点的。


作者: 城市民工    时间: 2003-10-29 11:47
标题: 有一两个信用卡就够了。
作者: lilili    时间: 2003-10-29 12:07
作者: min1968    时间: 2003-11-6 06:50
我一般用信用卡都是买东西,然后用ROYAL BANK的钱及时付清,是否发生上面所说的1%?
作者: 三角    时间: 2004-1-20 21:53
标题: ask a question
I am not a fresh new comer.i came here three monthes ago,i want to apply a credit card.and i did it last week,but the CIBC bank didn't permit me have it .How can i do next.I feel not convenient  no credit card.please tell me what i will do for it.
作者: abcd    时间: 2004-1-21 00:05
作者: 文森特    时间: 2004-2-28 20:41
作者: 占士邦    时间: 2004-3-30 21:52
标题: 回复:ask a question
ask a question

I am not a fresh new comer.i came here three monthes ago,i want to apply a credit card.and i did it last week,but the CIBC bank didn't permit me have it .How can i do next.I feel not convenient  no credit card.please tell me what i will do for it.

Try to buy a house, get a mortgage from bank. If they approved your mortgage, it's easy to ask for a credit card from them. Otherwise, you need to open an account in the bank to have regular banking activities for at least one year so bank knows some of your financial history.

作者: 占士邦    时间: 2004-3-30 22:16

You are right! Just cut the card in half, throw it in garbage!

作者: 伟志    时间: 2004-3-30 22:48
这个MBNA公司有时还泄漏用户的信息。我曾有两次帐单上出现不明项目的支出。经我和MBNA公司交涉,发现是有人盗用我的卡。奇怪的是我的卡从来没遗失过,也没有通过电话或网上订购东西。后来MBNA公司给我换了新的卡,当然不明项目的支出也一笔勾销。不过第二个月我发现账单上出现了“payment protection plan"的支出,大概是每月十元左右。我马上和MBNA公司交涉,因为我从来没有授权参加这个PLAN。MBNA公司答应马上替我取消,并把收取的钱退还给我。但是到现在为止已有差不多半年了,MBNA还没有把全部的钱退还给我。

作者: 占士邦    时间: 2004-3-31 21:21
标题: Stick with reliable Canadian Banks
For any credit card, only open account with reputable banks, eg. main Canadian banks, American Express, Citibank etc. That way, there will not be "surprise" waiting for you in the future.

作者: small glory    时间: 2004-4-2 08:45
标题: 多谢提醒!

作者: 大梨赚财迷    时间: 2005-2-8 00:36
作者: 不错过    时间: 2005-4-25 19:49
标题: 请教,有一张不够吗?
作者: lofia    时间: 2005-5-26 12:30
还有bay那边的Credit card

















作者: 能不能完成注    时间: 2005-6-4 23:56
MBNA is a big US credit card company. MBNA Canada is a subsidy of MBNA. Most credit card company in the US charge very low interest rate such as 1.99%, 2.99% for credit card balance transfer for a length of six months or a year, but a one-time transaction fee is imposed, which is nomarlly  3% of the amount to be transferred in. In this case, MBNA charges a much lower interest (just 1%) than its counterparts do in the US. Other credit cards issued by major banks such a CIBC, HSBC, donot charge a transaction fee, but the interest is as high as 18%.
By saying those above, what I want to mention is very sales promotion should be explored carefully to take advantage of the offer. This is the case for MBNA Canada. We could not simply say it cheats. By calculation this way, with one percent transaction fee, 1.99% interest rate for six months, you just pay about 2% for six months, comparing 9% you may have to pay for other major bank with a interest rate of 18% and no transaction fee.
作者: veevee    时间: 2005-7-18 06:06
偶也申请了也...而且也参加了那个什么PAYMENT PROTECTION PLAN. 没办法, 我拒绝了N次他们每次都不同人再打来.
不过申请归申请, 我拿到卡后却没有激活过. 所以, 是不是没事啊?.. 我担心啊... 应该不会泄露偶的个人信息或者出现不明帐目吧.
作者: hgmjh    时间: 2006-1-9 17:52
标题: 好象不至于
作者: 天气预报    时间: 2006-1-11 02:58
申請這個卡要抵押金嗎,我收到一個叫CAPITAL ONE的信用卡申請表,也是他們自己寄給我的,不知道是不是真的
作者: amdk11    时间: 2006-1-13 23:17
建议申请Citibank的卡。打算买车的话,Driver's Edge卡有2%现金回报,买新车旧车都可以。Enrich卡有1%现金回报。full 1-2% cash back on all purchases (no tier) 都没年费, 年收入要求高于1万5,
作者: zinc    时间: 2006-3-22 12:28
MBNA is a big US credit card company. MBNA Canada is a subsidy of MBNA. Most credit card company in the US charge very low interest rate such as 1.99%, 2.99% for credit card balance transfer for a length of six months or a year, but a one-time transaction fee is imposed, which is nomarlly  3% of the amount to be transferred in. In this case, MBNA charges a much lower interest (just 1%) than its counterparts do in the US. Other credit cards issued by major banks such a CIBC, HSBC, donot charge a transaction fee, but the interest is as high as 18%.
By saying those above, what I want to mention is very sales promotion should be explored carefully to take advantage of the offer. This is the case for MBNA Canada. We could not simply say it cheats. By calculation this way, with one percent transaction fee, 1.99% interest rate for six months, you just pay about 2% for six months, comparing 9% you may have to pay for other major bank with a interest rate of 18% and no transaction fee.
作者: golinyp    时间: 2006-4-3 19:17
标题: 回复:ask a question
ask a question

I am not a fresh new comer.i came here three monthes ago,i want to apply a credit card.and i did it last week,but the CIBC bank didn't permit me have it .How can i do next.I feel not convenient  no credit card.please tell me what i will do for it.

I found http://www.securevisa.ca/ and http://www.secure-mastercard.ca/ offer visa and mastercard to people who have no or bad credit. But you need to pay  monthly and annual fee I think...have read somewhere...
Although more expensive but it said it can help build/rebuild your credit.
I personally have no experience with them. I just go to know this from a forum I visited long time ago. So just check it out and see if it fits your need. If you ever apply and get your card, don't forget to give us some feedback! ;-)
作者: liaorong    时间: 2006-5-29 21:36
标题: 回复:ask a question
As a new comer, it's very hard to apply a credit card. Because there is no credit has been built by you. So, go to the bank, tell clerk you want to apply a Security Credit Card. (I can not 100% sure if Canada use this name. In USA they use this name special for this kind of card). Operation is like this. You deposit certain mount of  mony. Bank use this mony to open a credit account for you( means credit card). The credit line is the mount of your deposit. Then you use this card same as regular credit card. The most important is to pay bill on time. Using Security Credit Card can build you credit. When your credit is built up, it is easy for you to apply any other credit card. At that time, cancle this Security Credit Card and withdraw your mony. TD bank has this kind of credit card. hope can help you, good luck.
作者: Hanze    时间: 2006-5-30 07:38
标题: 回复:回复:ask a question
回复:ask a question

As a new comer, it's very hard to apply a credit card. Because there is no credit has been built by you. So, go to the bank, tell clerk you want to apply a Security Credit Card. (I can not 100% sure if Canada use this name. ....

Actually, there is no need to apply for a Security Credit Card.  There are several banks that offers credit cards.  So, if one declines you, you just try another bank.  One of them will give you a low limit credit card for sure.   Then, you can build your credit based on that.   After you have certain credit, it is very easy for you to apply any credit card you want.

I had been with TD for 2 years when I applied for a TD credit card, but TD declined my application, twice.  So, I applied for a CIBC credit card and got approved.  After 3 months of usage ( I pay the credit card bill through TD ), TD sent me a pre-approved credit card.    ;)
作者: 美丽人生^^    时间: 2006-8-16 10:48
而且还有一点, 你给MBNA打电话的时候, 他要跟你确认身份的问题好象太简单了!  如果其他人知道你这些信息随时可以冒认你啊!  我觉得不够安全.
作者: 独自离开    时间: 2006-8-16 15:27
标题: 刚注销掉一张
作者: 独自离开    时间: 2006-8-16 20:59
作者: Robert Song    时间: 2006-8-23 07:16
标题: MBNA在美国和CapitalOne一样臭名昭著

作者: jadeiou    时间: 2007-11-7 13:00
标题: ???????÷°×???????????????à?¨??
作者: ?÷??????    时间: 2008-4-7 10:51
MBNA?????????ú?????¨Bank of America???ì??????????????????????°???????MBNA°×???¨?????????ê?à?????????????í??
作者: InsureU!    时间: 2008-11-6 01:08
我有2张mbna的credit card。我觉得他们没什么不妥。首先我要说明我不是他们的员工,只是他们的客户。确实所有的balance transfer都有1%的手续费,但是这1%是一次性收取的。如果是借短期的话,比如半年,这1.9% annual interest rate就相当于3.9% 每年。只要你了解了就好了。1% service charge在所有的promotion check上都有标明。

前一段时间mbna有种3.99%的卡。我申请了。好处是activation date起到2个月所有的balance是终身的,也就是说只要没个月按时付minimum,本金你想借多久就借多久。即使是借出来投资这个利息也是相当划算。我现在每个月通过checking account自动转账就不用担心没有按时pay minimum了。

总之我用了mbna快4年了,没有什么不愉快的,它并不是什么骗人的公司。不过那个什么balance protection就是千万别要,所有的信用卡公司offer的任何protection或是insurance都是垃圾。
作者: Database    时间: 2008-11-6 01:58
标题: 可以理解作者的愤怒, 但其实fine print都有说明.

MBNA Master Card是本人来加后的第一张"无押金"信用卡, 至今还在用.

出国前, 本人通过Bank of Montreal广州办事处办理过一张Master Card, 但因为刚开始没信誉, BMO要收$1,000押金. 听说一年后可以退押金, 于是过了一年便去找BMO, 结果被告知要有工作证明才能退押金, 所以一气之下便把BMO的Master卡Cancel了, 因为我当时没工作.

后来遇到了MBNA的Promotion, 在没有工作的情况下比较顺利地申请了一个真正意义上的不需押金的MBNA信用卡, 我之后的信誉便是从这张卡上积累的. 之后在MBNA 1.9% Money Transfer 的 promotion 中, 我遇到了两个问题: 1. 产生了1% transfer charge (此项费用MBNA独有); 2. 原来的balance要等新借的钱还完以后才能还, 意味着grace period之后原来的balance将charge19%~28%的年息(所有银行均如此).

仔细阅读fine print之后, 发现以上问题均在policy上有说明. 所以那次我便马上将借来的钱还回去了. 所谓吃一堑长一智, 之后我要做money transfer时, 总是先将balance清零再借, 并且在还清之前, 决不再使用这张卡购物, 否则又要陷入上述2的困境.

几年后, 我手上的卡有了好几张, 并且有时会有更好的promotion, 所以我就不再用MBNA的卡作money transfer了, 因为它有1%的transfer fee.  之所以还保留着它, 是因为当其他信用卡都借上钱的时候, 我还可以用MBNA信用卡消费. 另外一个原因是取消或新开一个信用卡, 都会影响信用平分.

中国人很少借钱, 尤其是用信用卡借钱, 而我却经常这么做, 因为我知道了如何操作可以真正拿到promotion的低利息, 而且避免一切hidden fee. 这都得感谢MBNA.
作者: InsureU!    时间: 2008-11-6 10:23
标题: 回复:可以理解作者的愤怒, 但其实fine print都有说明.
作者: 一宝    时间: 2009-1-6 01:17
作者: yang1    时间: 2009-1-8 23:42
我前几天也收到他们的宣传资料,给我10万的信用额度和10万的CREDIT LOAN。我研究了几天,没敢下手,谢谢各位的提醒。

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