SummerLin 发表于 2019-5-29 16:30:51

雅思IELTS 阅读中如何突破 Heading题

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           雅思IELTS 阅读中如何突破 Heading 题

在雅思听力和阅读考试中,到处都是对 同义替换paraphrase的考察。口语和写作虽是output输出,也要求考生展现多样化词汇,不能一再重复。下面我试举一例,同义替换在阅读部分,List of Heading题中的具体运用,方便同学们理解,并学习尝试找到匹配的paraphrase词汇,来提高heading题的 准确率。

以 剑桥10 Test 1 为例(Cambridge 10 - Test 1 - Passage 2)


i A fresh andimportant long-term goal
iiCharging for roads and improving other transport methods
iiiChangesaffecting the distances goods may be transported

ivTaking all the steps necessary to change transport patterns
vThe environmental costs of road transport
viThe escalating cost of rail transport

viiThe need to achieve transport rebalance
viiiThe rapid growth of private transport
ixPlans to develop major road networks

xRestricting road use through charging policiesalone
xiTransport trends in countries awaiting EU admission

Topic:    European Transport Systems 1990-2010文章每段 主题句 topic sentence 如下:

(viii) A段.For passenger transport, the determining factor is the spectacular growth in car use. The number of cars on European Union (EU) roads saw an increase of three million cars each year from 1990 to 2010.解析:选项 viii 里的rapid growth = spectacular growth 和increase,而private transport = car use.(iii)B段.growth is due to a large extent to changes in the European economy and its system of production.
解析:changes 在后文:1.“internal frontier ...abolished”; 2. “EU has moved from a ‘stock economy’ to a ‘flow economy’”; 3. “relocation of some industries”等。
末句提到 以上变化 引起的 结果:“ the production site is hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away from...选项 iii 正好与本段呼应。 (xi)C段.The strong economic growth expected in countrieswhich arecandidates for entry to the EU will also increase transport flows, 解析:段中的 变化趋势:“In 1998, some countries exported more than twice... and imported more than five times...”;“many candidates countries inherited a transport system”选项xi 里“awaiting EU admission”= candidates for entry to EU. 且 trends 对应变化趋势。 因此选 xi.(i)D段. However, a new imperative - sustainable development - offers an opportunity for adapting the EU’s common transport policy. This objective, agreed by...解析:选项 i 里面的fresh=new, important=imperative,long-term对应sustainable,而goal = objective. 从这几组完美契合的同义替换来看,选项必然是 i 了。 (v)E段. In 1998, energy consumption in the transport sector was to blame for 28% of emissions of CO2, the leading green house gas. 解析:“emissions from transport ... increase by 50% to 1,113 billion tonnes by 2020, compared with 790 billion tonnes in 1990.这些数字表明 公路运输 所带来的 环境的负面影响/ 代价。 而选项 v中,“the environmental costs of road transport ”恰与此呼应。选项vi里 escalating cost of rail transport 是干扰项。本段并没有提到 铁路运输。 (x)G段.The first approach would consist of focusing on road transport solely through pricing. In the short term it might curb the growth in road transport...解析:选项 X. Restricting road use through charging policies alone其中的 restricting = curb, charging = pricing,alone = solely均为一一对应的同义替换。 (ii)段落H.The second approach also concentrates on road transport pricing but is accompanied by measures to increase the efficiencyof theother modes.
解析:选项 ii 中charging for roads = road transport pricing,
improve other methods = increase the efficiency (iv)段落I.The third approach, which is not new, comprises a series of measures rangingfrom pricingto revitalising alternative modes of transportand targeting investment...
解析:选项iv中,taking all the steps = comprises a series of measures,change transport patterns = revitalising alternative modes of transport. 以上就是关于本文每个段落的heading的详细解析,规律很明显。基本每段都是 首句为主题句,而且选择标题的依据基本都是 依据同义替换。

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